CommunityApacheCon Asia 2021: Apache APISIX Technical TopicsApacheCon is the official global conference series of the Apache Software Foundation. Since 1998, ApacheCon has been attracting participants at all levels to explore the "technologies of tomorrow" acr...
CommunityLive | Apache APISIX x KubernetesOn Friday, July 23rd, 2021 at 00:00 GMT, Apache APISIX committer Jintao Zhang will share the topic "Run Apache APISIX in Kubernetes" at the Data on Kubernetes Community Meetup for developers around th...
Case StudiesThe Road to Customized Development of Sina Weibo API GatewaySina Weibo’s previous HTTP API gateway was built based on Nginx, which brought up a series of problems. After some research, we chose Apache APISIX, which is dynamic, efficient and stable to meet the ...
CommunityApache APISIX has over 200 contributors in GitHub main repo! Apache APISIX has over 200 contributors in GitHub main repo!
EcosystemDoes etcd 3 Support HTTP Access Perfectly?It has been 8 months since the release of Apache APISIX version 2.0 last October. In the course of practice, we have also discovered some issues with etcd's HTTP API that interoperate with the gRPC AP...
CommunityRelease Apache APISIX 2.7.0Apache APISIX 2.7.0 has been released! Welcome to download and use it.
EcosystemWhy would you choose Apache APISIX instead of NGINX or Kong?This article describes the history of the open source API Gateway Apache APISIX architecture's evolution and compares the advantages of the two frameworks, Apache APISIX and NGINX.
EcosystemDeploy APISIX and APISIX Ingress Controller on RancherThis article shows the procedure of installing and deploying Apache APISIX and Apache APISIX Ingress Controller in the Rancher App Store (Catalog), and how to proxy Kubernetes services through them.
EcosystemHow to Write an Apache APISIX Plugin in JavaApache APISIX now supports writing plugins in Java! You can now write plugins in a programming language you are familiar with.