On October 23rd, the Apache APISIX community is joining forces with the Apache SkyWalking community to bring you an online sharing session.

Sharing Topics
Introduction to Apache APISIX Observability
Sharing Guests
Haochao Zhuang, Apache APISIX Contributor, Apache SkyWalking Committer & PMC member.
Topic Details
Apache APISIX has better observability capabilities than native Nginx, and will introduce the monitoring tools and capabilities that Apache APISIX already has. This session will introduce the monitoring tools and capabilities already available in Apache APISIX, and what enhancements have been made since the integration with Apache SkyWalking, and what new features will be added in the future. We are looking forward to seeing what sparks the Red and Blue (APISIX X SkyWalking) combination will bring.
End-to-end testing with Apache SkyWalking Infra E2E
Sharing Guests
Han Liu, Apache SkyWalking Committer & PMC member
Topic Details
Nowadays, more and more projects are using end-to-end testing to automate functional testing, and this session focuses on SkyWalking-Infra-E2E framework and its implementation in Apache SkyWalking.
How Apache APISIX Ingress Controller is growing in the community
Guest Speakers
Wei Jin, Apache APISIX PMC, Apache SkyWalking Committer
Topic Details
- Introducing the Apache APISIX Ingress Controller project
- New energy brought by joining the Apache community
- How the Apache APISIX Ingress Controller works in the community
- Welcome to the Apache APISIX community
License Eye - an open source software protocol tool
Sharing Guests
Zhenxu Ke, Apache SkyWalking PMC member, Apache Incubator PMC member and mentor
Topic Details
This session will take Apache SkyWalking as an example, summarize the protocol issues that may be encountered during the operation of open source projects, and introduce in detail how to use License Eye, a tool for handling open source protocols.
How to participate
👇👇👇👇 Scan the code to follow the video number and book this live broadcast.

See you live on Saturday, October 23rd at 14:00!