On January 15th, the Apache APISIX community is joining forces with the Apache Shardingsphere community to bring you an online sharing session.

The Secrets of CyborgFlow: How 3 Apache Top-Level Projects Jointly Built a Stress Testing Project
Sheng Wu, Apache SkyWalking Founder
Topic Details
In this speech, we will introduce CyborgFlow, a stress testing tool jointly released by Apache ShardingSphere, Apache Skywalk and Apache APISIX. We'll share: - What is CyborgFlow?- How do the three Top-Level Projects Work Together to Create the Tool that Supports Full-link Stress Testing- How to Use Cyborg to Centralize Full-link Flow and Data Analysis and Decrease Costs- How to Use CyborgFlow to Maximize Data Asset Analysis and Managemenet Speed
Apache APISIX Ingress:Facilitates Database Migration to the Cloud
Jintao Zhang, API7.ai Cloud Native Specialist,Apache APISIX Committer,Kubernetes ingress-NGINX Reviewer
Topic Details
- What are the Pain Points Faced by Cloud Databases?
- Apache APISIX Ingress & Observable Database Proxy
- How Apache APISIX Ingress Empowers Cloud Databases
Apache ShardingSphere Shadow DB & Its Application in CyborgFlow
Yang Hou, SphereEx-Middleware Engineer, Apache ShardingSphere Contributor
Topic Details
- Apache ShardingSphere Shadow DB's Architecture Design
- Application Scenarios for Apache ShardingSphere Shadow DB- Shadow DB's Data Routing Capability in CyborgFlow
Apache APISIX: Multiple Database Protocols Support & Observability
Jinchao Shuai, API7.ai Engineer, Apache APISIX PMC Member
Topic Details
- Apache APISIX Introduction and Architecture Design
- Apache APISIX Observability Capabilities
- Apache APISIX's Multiple Database Protocols Support (xRPC)
- Apache APISIX: Network Traffic Analysis Application Scenario and Multi-Language Support Ecosystem
ShardingSphere's DistSQL:based Distributed Database Management
Chengxiang Lan, SphereEx - Engineer & Apache ShardingSphere Contributor
Topic Details
- An Introduction to DistSQL
- DistSQL Application to Different Business Scenarios
- DistSQL Application to Database Management
How to participate
Scan the code to follow Apache APISIX's video account below. We look forward to meeting you on the afternoon of January 15th!