From 4.24 to 5.07, 20 contributors submitted 28 commits for Apache APISIX. Thank you for your contributions to Apache APISIX.
Apache APISIX grew up as a community from the first day it was open-sourced, and quickly became the most active open-source API gateway project in the world. These achievements are inseparable from the joint efforts of community partners.
"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." The Apache APISIX Community Biweekly Report can help community members better grasp the progress of the Apache APISIX community so that everyone can participate in the Apache APISIX community.
Contributor Statistics

Highlights of Recent Features
Forward-auth plugin supports service degradation feature(Contributor:shreemaan-abhishek)
Support skipping mTLS authentication through whitelist(Contributor:kingluo)
Proxy-rewrite plugin supports multiple regex rewrite rules(Contributor:fengxsong)
Recent Blog Recommendations
The Apache APISIX 3.3.0 version is officially released. This version provides better performance in multi-domain matching scenarios.
A wealth of documentation tutorials and experience has been accumulated on the Apache APISIX official website and GitHub. If you encounter problems, you can look into the documentation, search keywords in the issues, or participate in the discussion on the issues, proposing your own ideas and practical experience.