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Release Apache APISIX 3.9.0

· 4 min read
Traky Deng

We are glad to present Apache APISIX 3.9.0 with exciting new features, bug fixes, and other improvements to user experiences.

This new release adds a number of new features, including the support for HTTP/3 between client and APISIX, the addition of plugin reload endpoint to Control API, the configuration of Prometheus metrics expiration, and more.

There are a few important changes included in this release. Should you find these changes impacting your operations, please plan accordingly for a seamless upgrade.

Breaking Changes

Enable HTTP/2

In the earlier versions, HTTP/2 can be enabled by setting apisix.node_listen.enable_http2 and apisix.ssl.listen.enable_http2 to true in the configuration file. These options have been deprecated in this release. Starting from 3.9.0, HTTP/2 can be enabled with apisix.enable_http2:

enable_http2: true

For more information, see PR #11032.

Consolidate keyring and key_encrypt_salt fields

In the earlier versions, key_encrypt_salt and keyring are two configuration options both used for data encryption and decryption in a similar manner. This release removes key_encrypt_salt as it is redundant, and you should only configure keyring:

- qeddd145sfvddff3

For more information, see PR #10771.

New Features

Support HTTP/3 between client and APISIX

Support HTTP/3 between clients and APISIX as an experimental feature. HTTP/3 with upstream services is not yet supported.

HTTP/3 requires TLS v1.3. To enable HTTP/3 on a given port in APISIX, update the configuration file as such:

- port: 9443
enable_http3: true

Next, configure TLS certificates between client and APISIX:

curl "" -X PUT \
-d '{
"id": "tls-client-ssl",
"sni": "",
"cert": "'"${server_cert}"'",
"key": "'"${server_key}"'"

For more information, see PR #10989, PR #11010, and PR #11027.

Add plugin reload endpoint to Control API

The plugin reload endpoint, which previously existed in Admin API to hot reload all plugins, is now added to Control API, such that the plugin reload can be called from control plane:

curl "" -X PUT

For backward compatibility, the plugin reload endpoint in Admin API is retained.

For more information, see PR #10905.

You can now configure the session cookie lifetime in the openid-connect plugin as such:

curl "" -X PUT -d '
"id": "auth-with-oidc",
"plugins": {
"openid-connect": {
"client_id": "'"$OIDC_CLIENT_ID"'",
"client_secret": "'"$OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET"'",
"discovery": "'"$OIDC_DISCOVERY"'",
"session": {
"secret": "6S8IO+Pydgb33LIor8T9ClER0T/sglFAjClFeAF3RsY=",
"cookie" : {
"lifetime": 86400
"redirect_uri": "http://localhost:9080/anything/callback"

This is to address the issue where the lifetime of the access token is longer than the session lifetime.

For more information, see PR #10919.

Support setting expiration time for Prometheus metrics

You can now set the expiration time in seconds after Prometheus metrics have become inactive to reduce resource consumption:

expire: 0 # time in seconds. 0 means the metrics will not expire.

For more information, see PR #10869.

Support redis and redis-cluster policies in limit-req and limit-conn plugins

Support redis and redis-cluster policies in limit-req and limit-conn plugins, so that rate limiting counters can be shared among APISIX instances.

For more information, see PR #10874 and PR #10866.

Support OCSP Stapling

Support OCSP stapling using the ocsp-stapling plugin.

For more information, see plugin doc and PR #10817.

Support transforming between HTTP and Dubbo

Support transforming between HTTP and Dubbo with the http-dubbo plugin.

For more information, see PR #10703.

Other Updates

  • Support EndpointSlice in Kubernetes service discovery (PR #10916)
  • Add cors_allow_headers attribute to the grpc-web plugin to allow cross-origin resources (PR #10904)
  • Allow customization of the error response code in the forward-auth plugin (PR #10898)
  • Support the inclusion of request and response bodies in loggers (PR #10888)
  • Support compressed responses in loggers (PR #10884)
  • Support built-in variables in response_headers in the mocking plugin (PR #10872)
  • Fix for unnecessary YAML config reloads (PR #9065)
  • Prevent real payload to be overridden by malicious payload in the jwt-auth plugin (PR #10982)


For a complete list of changes in this release, please see CHANGELOG.