Case StudiesAPI Gateway Practice in Airwallex with APISIXThis article will bring you about how Airwallex uses Apache APISIX for gateway layer deployment to strengthen the construction of data sovereignty.
CommunityWeekly Report (Oct.15 - Oct.31)From 10.15 to 10.31, 31 contributors submitted 93 commits for Apache APISIX. Thank you all for your contributions to Apache APISIX. It is your selfless contribution to make the Apache APISIX project b...
EcosystemApache APISIX Extensions GuideThis article provides an extension guide for Apache APISIX, aiming to provide users with some ideas for extending Apache APISIX.
EcosystemCommunityHow APISIX Ingress grown from 0 to 1This article describes the growth of APISIX Ingress and the details of the enhancements and community help that APISIX Ingress has received since joining the community.
EcosystemAPISIX Ingress Controller manages certificates with Cert ManagerThis article shows how to create a certificate and pair it with Apache APISIX Ingress Controller via the Cert Manager.
CommunityWebinar | Apache APISIX × Apache SkyWalking Online MeetupOn October 23rd, the Apache APISIX community is joining forces with the Apache SkyWalking community to bring you an online sharing session.
CommunityBieekly Report (Oct 1 - Oct 14)From 10.1 to 10.14, 27 developers have committed 67 commits to Apache APISIX. Thank you to these folks for making the Apache APISIX project better with your selfless efforts!
CommunityNew milestone for APISIX - over 300 contributors worldwide!The Apache APISIX community has reached a new milestone of 300 contributors worldwide to projects related to Apache APISIX! Only 3 months have passed since the Apache APISIX main repository reached the 200 contributor milestone! Thank you to the community contributors for their outstanding contributions in all aspects of code, documentation, operations, and more.
EcosystemCommunityGet started with Apache APISIX Ingress from concept to practiceJintao Zhang, Apache APISIX Committer, Kubernetes Ingress Nginx Reviewer, and contributor to several cloud-native open source projects.