CommunityContributors — The Golden Metric of OpenSource ProjectsAccording to GitHub’s statistics in 2020, over 60 million new repositories were added, and more than 56 million developers worked on OpenSource projects. By 2025, the number of developers working on O...
EcosystemChaos Mesh Helps Apache APISIX Improve System StabilityThis article explains how system stability create some pain points in different scenarios. Then it tells the stories of why the author chose Chaos Mesh as the ultimate solution,and how to use Chaos Me...
CommunityMy first PR in the Apache APISIX communityThis interview is about Zhengsong Tu's journey from an open source community nerd to an APISIX committer for Apache's top open source project. Zhengsong Tu (GitHub ID: tzssangglass) was elected as an ...
EcosystemAPISIX Architecture: How to Dynamically Manage NGINX Cluster?This article is re-posted from Tao Hui's personal blog, and introduces the principles of Apache APISIX for REST API remote control of Nginx clusters based on APISIX version 2.8, OpenResty version 1.19...
Case StudiesHyperchain Technology implements BaaS platform with APISIXThis article introduces the landing practice of Apache APISIX in Hyperchain Blockchain BaaS platform, and explains why Hyperchain Technology has chosen Apache APISIX among many gateway applications.
EcosystemHow to Improve the Observability of Nginx with Apache APISXThis article shares solutions and practices for observability in the context of Nginx observability, the relationship between Apache APISIX and Nginx, Apache APISIX observability, and further enhancin...
EcosystemKong-To-APISIX Migration ToolApache APISIX is a production-ready open source seven-layer full traffic processing platform that serves as an API gateway for business entry traffic with high performance, low latency, official dashb...
EcosystemApply Plugin Orchestration in Apache APISIXRead this article to learn about Apache APISIX and basic usage scenarios, and how Apache APISIX integrates "drag and drop" plugin orchestration capabilities in a low-code trend.