CommunityBiweekly Report (Nov.15 - Nov.30)From 11.15 to 11.30, 37 contributors submitted 87 commits for Apache APISIX. Thank you all for your contributions to Apache APISIX. It is your selfless contribution to make the Apache APISIX project b...
EcosystemApache APISIX's integration with Azure ServerlessThis article talks about the recent addition of a new plugin azure-functions, and gives detailed instructions on how to integrate Azure Functions, which is a widely used serverless solution, into the Apache APISIX serverless suite.
CommunityRelease Apache APISIX 2.11.0Apache APISIX 2.11.0 is officially released, which is the first version with new features after 2.10.0 LTS.
EcosystemUsing APISIX Ingress to access custom monitoring in KubeSphereThis article will take Apache APISIX Ingress Controller as an example to show you in detail how to quickly use different types of gateways and status monitoring for Kubernetes clusters through KubeSph...
CommunityContributer to Committer journey @Apache APISIXIn this article, Shivam Singh (@1502shivam-singh) gives a brief of his journey from starting out in the Apache APISIX community, from a contributor to an Apache member and APISIX committer. His journey can help other people looking to startup in the Apache APISIX community or Open Source in general.
EcosystemAPISIX request_uri variable with risk of path penetrationResearch report about Apache APISIX Path traversal in request_uri variable(CVE-2021-43557)
VulnerabilitiesApache APISIX Path traversal in request_uri variable(CVE-2021-43557)In versions prior to Apache APISIX 2.10.2, there was a problem of "bypassing partial restrictions" that caused the risk of path penetration by using the $request_uri variable in Apache APISIX Ingress ...
EcosystemDevelop APISIX Ingress Controller with Nocalhost in K8sThis article walks you through using Nocalhost to seamlessly connect your local development machine to a remote Kubernetes cluster, allowing you to use IDE to develop and debug Apache APISIX Ingress C...
EcosystemApache APISIX embraces the WASM ecosystemSupport for WASM will be added in the upcoming Apache APISIX version (2.11.0)! By reading this article you will learn how Apache APISIX deploys the support and development of this feature from 0 to 1.