VulnerabilitiesApache APISIX Vulnerability for Rewriting X-REAL-IP Header (CVE-2022-24112)In versions prior to Apache APISIX 2.12.1, there is a risk of rewriting X-REAL-IP header after enabling the Apache APISIX batch-requests plug-in. Now the processing information will be announced.
EcosystemPluginsIntegrating Splunk HTTP Event Collector with API GatewayThis article explains how to configure and use the Splunk HEC service in Apache APISIX.
AuthenticationPluginsforward-auth Plugin for Authentication FunctionThis article describes the use of forward-auth, a new plugin in Apache APISIX, and provides detailed instructions on how to use this cleanly designed authentication model.
EcosystemPluginsIntegrate Apache APISIX with gRPC-WebApache APISIX already supports gRPC protocol proxies, as well as HTTP(s) to gRPC Server proxies via the gRPC Transcode plugin. Through active community discussion and contributions, Apache APISIX has ...
CommunityRelease Apache APISIX 2.12.0Following the release of version 2.11.0, Apache APISIX will also bring you the first version with new features in 2022 during the upcoming Spring Festival.
CommunityWebinar | APISIX in QingCloud! on January 28th,the Apache APISIX community is joining forces with the QingCloud to bring you an online sharing session.
AuthenticationEcosystemPluginsHashiCorp Vault Secure Storage Backend in Apache APISIX EcosystemThis article describe the upcoming release of the Vault with Apache APISIX integration, and show the details of configuration.
EcosystemGet More Details About xRPCThis article brings you Apache APISIX's upcoming xRPC framework and related details, as well as a detailed presentation of Apache APISIX in multi-language development support.
Case StudiesThe Practice of Public Gateway in CDN Scenario from UPYUNIn the previous sharing, we brought you the application of cloud at the Ingress level. This time, we will introduce you to the current cloud application examples under the public network gateway scena...