PluginsAuthenticationEcosystemUse APISIX and Authing to implement authenticationThis article shows the details of centralized authentication and how to use Authing in Apache APISIX.
EcosystemUse API gateway to proxy gRPC serviceThis article shows you how to proxy client HTTP traffic to the back-end gRPC service via the grpc-transcode plugin in Apache APISIX.
VulnerabilitiesApache APISIX Dashboard Unauthorized Access Vulnerability Announcement (CVE-2021-45232)There is a security vulnerability of unauthorized access in Apache APISIX Dashboard 2.7-2.10, and the processing information will be announced.
PluginsEcosystemComing soon! Apache APISIX Integrate with Apache OpenWhiskThis article introduces the feature prospect and usage steps of the openwhisk plug-in, which is combined with a variety of identity authentication plug-ins provided by Apache APISIX to achieve authentication and authorization and other functions.
PluginsAuthenticationApache APISIX integrates with Open Policy AgentThis article introduces the opa plug-in as an example of HTTP API and details how to integrate Apache APISIX with OPA to decouple the authentication authorization of back-end services.
PluginsEcosystemAPISIX Integrates with Google Cloud LoggingThis article will explain how to configure and use the Google Cloud Logging service in Apache APISIX.
CommunityBiweekly Report (Dec 1 - Dec 15)From 12.1 to 12.15, 38 contributors submitted 114 commits for Apache APISIX. Thank you all for your contributions to Apache APISIX. It is your selfless contribution to make the Apache APISIX project b...
EcosystemSecure Exposure of Istio Services with APISIX IngressThis article shows you step by step how to use Istio Service Mesh and Apache APISIX, to expose services in a Service Mesh-enabled Kubernetes cluster to the outside of the cluster through very detailed...
CommunityWebinar | Apache APISIX × Apache RocketMQ Online MeetupOn December 26th, the Apache APISIX community is joining forces with the Apache RocketMQ community to bring you an online sharing session.